Eli Tziperman (Harvard): Clouds in warm climates
Zhiming Kuang (Harvard): Some applications of linear response functions: the stability of moist convecting atmospheres and the dynamics of the annular mode
Zhiming Kuang (Harvard): Understanding cumulus convection through novel diagnostics of cloud-resolving models (short course)
Eli Tziperman (Harvard): Introduction to big data methods: clustering, classification, neural networks (short course)
Yongyun Hu (Peking): Decadal changes of the Hadley circulation
Peter Huybers (Harvard): Reconciling and constraining estimates of equilibrium climate sensitivity
Zhengyu Liu (Peking): Thermohaline variability and abrupt changes: past, present, and future
Peter Huybers (Harvard): Extreme temperatures: trend, patterns, and prediction (short course)
Yonggang Liu (Peking): Warming and cooling effect of dust on climate of the past
Daniel Jacob (Harvard): Making sense of air quality
Jintai Lin (Peking): Globalizing air pollution
Daniel Jacob (Harvard): Chemical transport models (short course)
Steve Wofsy (Harvard): Learning about emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants from atmospheric measurements
Lin Zhang (Peking): Atmospheric reactive nitrogen: sources, sinks, and impacts on air quality
Steve Wofsy (Harvard): How to avoid the seven deadly sins of data analysis (short course)
Shu Tao (Peking): Compilation and application of the PKU emission inventories
Joel Schwartz (Harvard): Why do we think that air pollution is killing people
Tong Zhu (Peking): The health effects of air pollution in China
Joel Schwartz (Harvard): Causal modeling methods in epidemiology applied to the health effects of air pollution (short course)
Tzung-May Fu (Peking): Good (and bad) practices for effective scientific illustration (short course)